The Clark family has been maintaining a highly productive operational farm since 1862. Now into their sixth generation, the family is the embodiment of the modern Ontario farm family.
Who We Are
The Farm
The Clark Family
Jim Clark
Jim began a farming partnership with his father in 1968, becoming the fifth generation to work Clarkshome Farm. Over the years he has received recognition for his prize winning Corriedale sheep; his Champion Border Collies; and his work as a Select Seed Grower. He was involved with 4-H as a member, leader, and director. He was selected as a participant in the Rotary Group Study Exchange to India, where they assisted in the Polio Eradication Project. As well, he is a Nuffield Scholar, and he and Ruth shared the honour of Agriculturalist of the Year 2010. He oversees the continual farming innovations of Clarkshome Farm.

Ruth Clark
Ruth has been a volunteer at school, church, and 30 years with the local Horticultural Society. A former Teacher/Librarian, then Stay-at-Home Mom, Farming is Career #3. With job titles such as “Chief Communications Officer, and “Administrator of Outdoor Maintenance” Ruth is a partner with Jim in managing all aspects of Clarkhome Farm.

Mary-Jane Clark, B.Sc., M.Sc.
Mary Jane follows the family tradition through her love of horticulture, gardening, and nature. She studied Plant Biology and Horticulture at the University of Guelph and completed a Creating Landscapes Certificate. She is applying her love of all things botanical by working in the landscape gardening industry, and designing residential landscapes, container gardens, and floral arrangements in Toronto.

Elizabeth Boyd, B.Eng.Mgmt
Elizabeth has a passionate interest in the healing and medicinal properties of plants that grow in Canada. She is pursuing a degree in Traditional Herbal Medicine in Toronto and is able to source many of the herbs from the farm. Elizabeth has a degree in Chemical Engineering and Management from McMaster University. She and her husband Geoff live in Burlington, ON.